Oct 23, 2009

I’ve Moved!

Phew. Exactly 1 month and 10 days since my last post. That’s not good. Well, considering I haven’t exactly been playing WoW for nearly all of that time, it would be slightly hard to blog about WoW. Well, finally, months after I first proposed it,  I’m ready. Ready to step fully into the deep dark abyss that is Wordpress… (queue spooky music now.) Obviously, I’ll keep this site up for archival purposes, although I doubt people will ever be dying to read old post’s I’ve written. But this is the last post here; all of my future posts will be at my new blog. I’ll miss this place, but I’m glad I’m moving. And move I shall, I’m turning out the lights, you’ll never see me again here. See you on the other side…